
It is a cross between European and Japanese chestnut (Castanea sativa x Castanea crenata). It grows very lush, fairly upright. It is less susceptible to chestnut blight and ink diseaase, resistant to spring and autumn cold and very sensitive to the chestnut gall wasp, which no longer causes economically significant damage in Slovenia. Early flowering. Early bearing and medium and regularly bearing. There are usually two normally developed fruits in a burr, which are round and triangular in shape and glossy reddish-brown in colour. The fruits are mainly monoembryonic with a small partition of the seed coat into the kernel.

27,00 29,00 




Precoce Migoule, Bournette, Marigoule


very vigorous, erect

susceptibility to diseases



medium, constant

number of fruit in the burr

1 – 2

fruit size

13 – 15 g

kernel (color)

bright reddish

partition of the fruit


harvest time

start of October

training system

open vase or cetral leader

cultivation area

whole Slovenia

plant selling height

100+ cm, strong root system

type of plants

bare roots (100+ cm) or potted (50+ cm)

plant quality

on own roots (superior standard)

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